Artwork by Katharine Charles

It’s dangerous to look trees or planets in the eye. They perceive it as a challenge. You can’t fight them all.

I obsess over moons and tides, geometries both classical and eldrich, and what the faces in everything want from me. I paint in the hope that rendering my visions visible will help me understand and control them.

Works in watercolor, pencil, and charcoal. Block prints and digital paintings.

I suspect all trees are haunted at the root. TREES AND LIGHTS 2021. watercolor and gouache on paper.

I suspect all trees are haunted at the root.
watercolor and gouache on paper.

Hummingbird in Flight 2016 charcoal on paper.

Hummingbird in Flight 2016
charcoal on paper.

Day Over Ocean 2016 watercolor on paper.

Day Over Ocean 2016
watercolor on paper.

Many Moonrises 2016 watercolor and oil pastel on paper.

Many Moonrises 2016
watercolor and oil pastel on paper.

Moonlight and Phosphorescence 2016watercolor, charcoal, and oil pastel on paper

Moonlight and Phosphorescence 2016

watercolor, charcoal, and oil pastel on paper